We Are Llenllenéy'ten First Nation.

Our Background.
High Bar First Nation is one of seventeen communities in the Secwépemc Nation. Before the smallpox epidemic of 1862 there were thirty-two established communities by the government, now there are only seventeen. High Bar is located in the BC Interior. The community of High Bar was established by the government in the 1860’s though our people have been there since time and memorial. High Bar is one of four Secwépemc bands that remains independent from the Shuswap Tribal Council and the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council.
Traditionally, the Secwépemc people depended on the natural resources the land had to offer, and they would do that by fishing, hunting, and gathering. Every community usually spent winters in their winter villages. The homes were pithouses. In order to stay in the winter village, they would hunt, gather and fish in preparation for the harsh winters to come. Most Secwépemc people would live a nomadic lifestyle by traveling to neighbouring communities. As High Bar people, we have three main sources of food; we hunt game for food and clothing purposes, we gather traditional medicines, berries and roots, and we fish salmon. Unfortunately, due to the BIg Bar Slide, one our main sources of food has been taken away.
Discover the Layers Of Our Organization

Jamie Fletcher

Derek Fletcher

Bernice Hook

Michael Fletcher
Where We Call Home
Where We Belong:
Unraveling Our Special Locale
High Bar First Nation has a small reservation located near the Fraser River. Unfortunately, our reserve does not have clean running water, making our reserve uninhabitable. Although we have established an office in Clinton, BC. Our members are scattered throughout the Province of British Columbia, Yukon, Alberta, Washington State and as far East as Georgia in the United States.

High Bar First Nation
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